Articles published in 2013 in this theme: 4 (scroll down to load remaining articles)
Operational Experience: Integration of ASPR Data into ESSENCE-FL during the RNC
Carrie Eggers, Dina Passman, Aaron Chern, Dara Spector, Aaron Kite-Powell, Tim Davis, Wayne Loschen, Joe Lombardo, Douglas Char, Janet Hamilton
Online J Public Health Inform 2013 (Mar 24); 5(1):e61207Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
A Syndromic Approach to Emergency Department Surveillance for Skin and Soft Tissue Infections
Larissa May, Marcus Rennick, Leah Gustafson, Julia Gunn
Online J Public Health Inform 2013 (Mar 23); 5(1):e61102Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
Paralysis Analysis: Investigating Paralysis Visit Anomalies in New Jersey
Teresa Hamby, Stella Tsai, Carol Genese, Andrew Walsh, Lauren Bradford, Edward Lifshitz
Online J Public Health Inform 2013 (Mar 23); 5(1):e61112Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
Evaluating Utility of Cold-Injury Syndromic Surveillance Data in New York City
Kathryn Lane, Ramona Lall, Katherine Wheeler, Kazuhiko Ito, Thomas Matte
Online J Public Health Inform 2013 (Mar 23); 5(1):e61108Download Citation: END BibTex RIS