Articles published in 2010 in this theme: 2 (scroll down to load remaining articles)
Clement Kudzai Gwede, Beverly G Ward, John S Luque, Susan T Vadaparampil, Desiree Rivers, Dinorah Martinez-Tyson, Shalewa Noel-Thomas, Cathy D Meade
Online J Public Health Inform 2010 (Apr 09); 2(1):e60976Download Citation: END BibTex RIS
SaTScan on a Cloud: On-Demand Large Scale Spatial Analysis of Epidemics
Ronald C Price, Warren Pettey, Tim Freeman, Kate Keahey, Molly Leecaster, Matthew Samore, James Tobias, Julio C Facelli
Online J Public Health Inform 2010 (Apr 09); 2(1):e60977Download Citation: END BibTex RIS