Published on in Vol 11, No 1 (2019):

Field-based Evaluation of Malaria Outbreak Detection & Response, Mudzi and Goromonzi

Field-based Evaluation of Malaria Outbreak Detection & Response, Mudzi and Goromonzi

Field-based Evaluation of Malaria Outbreak Detection & Response, Mudzi and Goromonzi

The full text of this article is available as a PDF download by clicking here.

Haylea A. Hannah   1 ;   Audrey Brezak   ;   Audrey Hu   ;   Simbarashe Chiwanda   ;   Maayan S. Simckes   ;   Debra Revere   ;   Gerald Shambria   ;   Mufuta Tshimanga   ;   Joseph Mberikunashe   ;   Tsitsi Juru   ;   Notion Gombe   ;   Danuta Kasprzyk   ;   Daniel Montano   ;   Janet Baseman  

1 Marin County Department of Health and Human Services

Corresponding Author:

  • Haylea A. Hannah
  • Marin County Department of Health and Human Services