Published on in Vol 10, No 2 (2018):
- Nakaji S, Ihara K, Sawada K, Parodi S, Umeda T, Takahashi I, Murashita K, Kurauchi S, Tokuda I. Social innovation for life expectancy extension utilizing a platform-centered system used in the Iwaki health promotion project: A protocol paper. SAGE Open Medicine 2021;9 View
- Noormal B, Eltayeb E, Al Nsour M, Mohsni E, Khader Y, Salter M, McNabb S, Herrera Guibert D, Rawaf S, Baidjoe A, Ikram A, Longuet C, Al Serouri A, Lami F, Khattabi A, AlMudarra S, Iblan I, Samy S, Bouafif ép Ben Alaya N, Al-Salihi Q. Innovative Approaches to Improve Public Health Practice in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: Findings From the Sixth Eastern Mediterranean Public Health Network Regional Conference. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 2019;5(1):e11382 View
- Salvati P, Ardizzone F, Cardinali M, Fiorucci F, Fugnoli F, Guzzetti F, Marchesini I, Rinaldi G, Rossi M, Santangelo M, Vujica I. Acquiring vulnerability indicators to geo-hydrological hazards: An example of mobile phone-based data collection. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 2021;55:102087 View
- Kaur H, Tripathi S, Chalga M, Benara S, Dhiman A, Gupta S, Nair S, Menon G, Gulati B, Sharma S, Sharma S. Unified Mobile App for Streamlining Verbal Autopsy and Cause of Death Assignment in India: Design and Development Study. JMIR Formative Research 2025;9:e59937 View
- . Manfaat Penggunaan Mobile Health (m-Health) Dalam Pencatatan dan Pelaporan Kesehatan Ibu. Jurnal Biostatistik, Kependudukan, dan Informatika Kesehatan 2021;1(2) View
Books/Policy Documents
- Honório T, Reis C, Oliveira M, Maximiano M. Innovations in Bio-Inspired Computing and Applications. View