Published on in Vol 10, No 1 (2018):

Mortality surveillance in the Netherlands: severity of winter 2016/2017

Mortality surveillance in the Netherlands: severity of winter 2016/2017

Mortality surveillance in the Netherlands: severity of winter 2016/2017

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  1. van Asten L, Harmsen C, Stoeldraijer L, Klinkenberg D, Teirlinck A, de Lange M, Meijer A, van de Kassteele J, van Gageldonk-Lafeber A, van den Hof S, van der Hoek W. Excess Deaths during Influenza and Coronavirus Disease and Infection-Fatality Rate for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2, the Netherlands. Emerging Infectious Diseases 2021;27(2):411 View