Published on in Vol 9, No 1 (2017):

Using Mobile Technology to Facilitate Reactive Case  Detection of Malaria

Using Mobile Technology to Facilitate Reactive Case Detection of Malaria

Using Mobile Technology to Facilitate Reactive Case Detection of Malaria

The full text of this article is available as a PDF download by clicking here.

Gordon Cressman   1 ;   Michael McKay   1 ;   Abdul-wahid Al-Mafazy   2 ;   Madhi M. Ramsan   1 ;   Abdullah S. Ali   2 ;   Issa A. Garimo   1 ;   Humphrey Mkali   2 ;   Jeremiah J. Ngondi   1

1 Information and Communication Technology, RTI International, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA

2 Zanzibar Malaria Elimination Programme, Zanzibar Town, Tanzania, United Republic of

Corresponding Author:

  • Gordon Cressman
  • Information and Communication Technology, RTI International, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA