Published on in Vol 10, No 1 (2018):

Enhancing Surveillance on the BioSense Platform through Improved Onboarding Processes

Enhancing Surveillance on the BioSense Platform through Improved Onboarding Processes

Enhancing Surveillance on the BioSense Platform through Improved Onboarding Processes

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This session will present the impacts of enhancements made to National Syndromic Surveillance Program (NSSP) BioSense Platform Onboarding in 2017 from the perspective of CDC and public health jurisdictions.


In 2017, the National Syndromic Surveillance Program (NSSP) continued to expand as a national scope data source with over 6,500 facilities registered on the BioSense Platform, including 4,000 active, 1,800 onboarding, and 700 planned or inactive facilities. 2,086 of the active facilities are Emergency Departments across 49 sites in 41 states. The growth of data available in NSSP has been driven by continued enhancements to tools and processes used by the NSSP Onboarding Team. These enhancements help to rapidly integrate new healthcare facilities and onboard new public health sites in support of American Hospital Association (AHA) Emergency Department (ED) representativeness goals. Furthermore, with these improvements to the onboarding process, including the Master Facility Table update process and automated data validation reporting, NSSP has broadened stakeholder participation in the onboarding process.


This panel presentation will focus on the impact of the enhancements to NSSP Onboarding processes and tools that are the key enablers for NSSP to gather a site and nationally representative data source for event detection and novel surveillance. Panelists include Mr. Travis Mayo, NSSP Onboarding Manager, who will present the key enablers to accelerating NSSP Onboarding including enhancements to the management of the Master Facility Table (MFT), tailoring of the Engage, Connect, Validate, and Operate methodology, and the introduction of automated data validation reports. Building on the enablers presented by Mr. Mayo, Mr. Michael Coletta, will present on NSSP priorities and initiatives to optimize program efficiency in support of onboarding new sites and continuing to onboard facilities in support of national objectives for ED representatives. Mrs. Sophia Crossen will present the impact of NSSP changes in Kansas onboarding and surveillance initiatives. Mrs. Kirsten Oliver, will demonstrate how NSSP onboarding has impacted syndromic surveillance activities in West Virginia.

With the need to always be looking ahead, each panelist will draw on their experiences in 2017, including their perspective on opportunities in 2018 to continue to enhance NSSP onboarding. These perspectives will serve as a basis for launching into questions and discussions from the audience to collect NSSP onboarding experiences in 2017 and ideas for continued enhancement in 2018.

How the Moderator Intends to Engage the Audience in Discussions on the Topic:

The round table will present the improvements implemented by NSSP Onboarding and discuss the following:

- What strengths and weaknesses have the enhancements surfaced in onboarding processes

- How have the enhancements impacted local onboarding initiatives and priorities

- How have the enhancements changed the roles of key players in the onboarding process