ObjectiveThis surveillance project aims to increase and broaden coverage ofAedesspp. ovitrap locations in Arizona’s U.S.-Mexico border regionthrough interagency collaboration.IntroductionAs part of a statewide effort to enhance surveillance forAedesspp.mosquitoes (1,2) the Office of Border Health (OBH) took the lead inproviding technical assistance on surveillance in counties borderingMexico. In 2016, OBH sought ways to enhance surveillance in a widergeographic area. Trap locations closer to the border were establishedas a priority, given high amount of traffic across the internationalline, high borderAedesmosquito activity, and native cases of denguereported at the border in Mexico.MethodsThe Arizona Office of Border Health partnered with U.S. Customsand Border Protection to select possible locations for ovitrappingnear the border. Border Patrol Health and Safety Tucson coordinationaccompanied OBH and preparedness staff on three occasions to scoutareas around pre-selected border patrol facilities. County, and borderpatrol staff contributed to trap maintenance. BIDS provided technicalassistance to identify positive traps, collected data for reporting tothe state, and collaborated with experts at the University of Arizonaentomology department to verify results and identifyAedesspp.ResultsOut of 15 border patrol stations within border lands in SantaCruz County, and Cochise County, OBH epidemiologist considered10 viable trapping sites. Two facilities were eventually eliminatedbecause of logistical challenges. OBH visited eight facilities andselected five locations within five miles of the U.S. –Mexicoborder and two located less than 30 miles from the border. OBHepidemiologists inspected sites for potential mosquito habitat and setovitraps low to the ground in areas protected from rain. Some facilitieshad areas of standing water discovered in unused tires, truck-washingstations, heavy-lifting equipment, and natural washes. Border Patrolstaff complained of mosquito activity around some of the stations.After inspection OBH set an average of three traps at each site. Onesite had evidence of mosquito larvae activity.ConclusionsBorder patrol facilities offer ideal trap locations given theirproximity to the international line. Secure facilities offer extraprotection for traps against tampering. The partnership across local,state, tribal, and federal lines allowed Arizona Office of Border Healthto expand surveillance locations, allowing two jurisdictions to set thefirst Aedes-specific traps since Arizona began the 2016 campaign,“Fight the Bite.”