Published on in Vol 8, No 1 (2016):

Role of Influenza in ED Visits and Hospitalizations of Adults Over 65 Years in France

Role of Influenza in ED Visits and Hospitalizations of Adults Over 65 Years in France

Role of Influenza in ED Visits and Hospitalizations of Adults Over 65 Years in France

The full text of this article is available as a PDF download by clicking here.

Vanina Bousquet   ;   Larissa Vernier   ;   Yann Le Strat   ;   Isabelle Bonmarin   ;   Christophe Leroy   ;   Maurice Raphaël   ;   Gilles Viudes   ;   André de Caffarelli   ;   Céline Caserio- Schönemann  

Corresponding Author:

  • Vanina Bousquet