Published on in Vol 6, No 1 (2014):

Federal Interagency Interactions During Outbreaks of H7N9 Influenza and MERS-CoV

Federal Interagency Interactions During Outbreaks of H7N9 Influenza and MERS-CoV

Federal Interagency Interactions During Outbreaks of H7N9 Influenza and MERS-CoV

The full text of this article is available as a PDF download by clicking here.

Steve Bennett   1 ;   Deborah Carr   1 ;   Mark Freese   1 ;   Janet Hendricks   1 ;   Michael Stephens   1 ;   Erik Pedersen   1 ;   Kandis Brown   1 ;   Christopher Grant   1 ;   Jamie Hobson   1 ;   Jessica Ruble   1 ;   William Albrecht   1 ;   Tajah Blackburn   1 ;   Todd Boddenhamer   1 ;   Teresa Quitugua   1

1 National Biosurveillance Integration Center (NBIC), Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Washington, DC, United States

Corresponding Author:

  • Steve Bennett
  • National Biosurveillance Integration Center (NBIC), Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Washington, DC, United States