Published on in Vol 5, No 1 (2013):

Can We Use Syndromic Surveillance Data to Identify Primary Care Visits to NYC EDs?

Can We Use Syndromic Surveillance Data to Identify Primary Care Visits to NYC EDs?

Can We Use Syndromic Surveillance Data to Identify Primary Care Visits to NYC EDs?

Authors of this article:

Jessica Athens1
The full text of this article is available as a PDF download by clicking here.

A primary care (PC) syndrome was developed to estimate the number of primary care-related visits to emergency departments (EDs) in New York City and explore predictors of these visits. The PC syndrome included referrals, screenings, wound care, or medication refills. A hierarchical model with a hospital-level random intercept was used to explore patient characteristics - duplicate visit, patient gender and age, and time of visit - associated with PC syndrome visits. In NYC, 7.5% of ED visits in 2011 were PC syndrome visits. Despite undercounting, the relationships between our predictors and PC syndrome visits were consistent with published literature.