Published on in Vol 5, No 1 (2013):

Recommendations for Syndromic Surveillance Using Inpatient and Ambulatory EHR Data

Recommendations for Syndromic Surveillance Using Inpatient and Ambulatory EHR Data

Recommendations for Syndromic Surveillance Using Inpatient and Ambulatory EHR Data

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This presentation will review the process and the details of the recommendations developed by the multi-stakeholder ISDS Meaningful Use Workgroup to develop guidelines for conducting syndromic surveillance using electronic health record (EHR) data from hospital inpatient and ambulatory clinical care settings. The Recommendations outline priority uses for these data and the data elements specified to support those uses. This work will facilitate the adoption of the Stage 2 and Stage 3 Meaningful Use rules for exchanging health information between clinical settings and public health authorities for the purpose of improving patient and population health.