Published on in Vol 4, No 3 (2012):

Understanding HMIS Implementation in a Developing Country Ministry of Health Context - an Institutional Logics Perspective

Understanding HMIS Implementation in a Developing Country Ministry of Health Context - an Institutional Logics Perspective

Understanding HMIS Implementation in a Developing Country Ministry of Health Context - an Institutional Logics Perspective

Authors of this article:

Ime Asangansi
The full text of this article is available as a PDF download by clicking here.

Globally, health management information systems (HMIS) have been hailed as important tools for health reform (1). However, their implementation has become a major challenge for researchers and practitioners because of the significant proportion of failure of implementation efforts (2; 3). Researchers have attributed this significant failure of HMIS implementation, in part, to the complexity of meeting with and satisfying multiple (poorly understood) logics in the implementation process.

This paper focuses on exploring the multiple logics, including how they may conflict and affect the HMIS implementation process. Particularly, I draw on an institutional logics perspective to analyze empirical findings from an action research project, which involved HMIS implementation in a state government Ministry of Health in (Northern) Nigeria. The analysis highlights the important HMIS institutional logics, where they conflict and how they are resolved.

I argue for an expanded understanding of HMIS implementation that recognizes various institutional logics that participants bring to the implementation process, and how these are inscribed in the decision making process in ways that may be conflicting, and increasing the risk of failure. Furthermore, I propose that the resolution of conflicting logics can be conceptualized as involving deinstitutionalization, changeover resolution or dialectical resolution mechanisms. I conclude by suggesting that HMIS implementation can be improved by implementation strategies that are made based on an understanding of these conflicting logics.

Keywords: Legal and Social issues in Public Health Informatics; developing countries; health management information systems; institutional logics; institutional aspects of information systems; action research; Nigeria; Ministry of Health; change management