Published on in Vol 9, No 3 (2017):

Meaningful Use and Electronic Laboratory Reporting: Challenges Health Information Technology Vendors Face in Kentucky

Meaningful Use and Electronic Laboratory Reporting: Challenges Health Information Technology Vendors Face in Kentucky

Meaningful Use and Electronic Laboratory Reporting: Challenges Health Information Technology Vendors Face in Kentucky

Authors of this article:

Michael Abisa1
The full text of this article is available as a PDF download by clicking here.

Objectives: To explore the challenges Health Information Technology (HIT) vendors face to satisfy the requirements for Meaningful Use (MU) and Electronic Laboratory Reporting (ELR) of reportable diseases to the public health departments in Kentucky.

Methodology: A survey was conducted of Health Information Exchange (HIE) vendors in Kentucky through the Kentucky Health Information Exchange (KHIE). The survey was cross-sectional. Data were collected between February and March 2014. Participants were recruited from KHIE vendors. Participants received online survey link and by email and asked to submit their responses. Vendors’ feedback were summarized and analyzed to identify their challenges. Out of the 55 vendors who received the survey, 35(63.64%) responded.

Results: Of the seven transport protocol options for ELR, vendors selected virtual private network (VPN) as the most difficult to implement (31.7%). Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) was selected as preferred ELR transport protocol (31.4%). Most of the respondents, 80% responded that they do not have any challenge with the Health Level 7 (HL7) standard implementation guide required by MU for 2014 ELR certification.

Conclusion: The study found that the most difficult transport protocol to implement for ELR is VPN and if vendors have preference, they would use SFTP for ELR over KHIE choice of VPN and Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP). KHIE vendors do not see any variability in what is reportable by different jurisdiction and also it is not difficult for them to detect what is reportable from one jurisdiction verse the other