Published on in Vol 8, No 1 (2016):

Towards Influenza Surveillance in Military Populations Using Novel and Traditional Sources

Towards Influenza Surveillance in Military Populations Using Novel and Traditional Sources

Towards Influenza Surveillance in Military Populations Using Novel and Traditional Sources

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U.S. military influenza surveillance utilizes electronic reporting of clinical diagnoses to monitor health of military personnel and detect naturally occurring and bioterrorism-related epidemics. While accurate, these systems lack in timeliness. More recently, researchers have used novel data sources to detect influenza in real-time and capture non-traditional populations. With data-mining techniques, military social media users are identified and influenza-related discourse is integrated along with medical data into a comprehensive disease model. By leveraging heterogeneous data streams and developing dashboard biosurveillance analytics, the researchers hope to increase the speed at which outbreaks are detected and provide accurate disease forecasting among military personnel.