Published on in Vol 7, No 1 (2015):

Comparison of ILINet and ESSENCE for Influenza Surveillance at the Local Level

Comparison of ILINet and ESSENCE for Influenza Surveillance at the Local Level

Comparison of ILINet and ESSENCE for Influenza Surveillance at the Local Level

Authors of this article:

Sarah Connolly ;   Gregory Danyluk
The full text of this article is available as a PDF download by clicking here.

ILINet is used by sentinel healthcare providers for reporting influenza surveillance data. The Florida Department of Health receives urgent care center data through the ESSENCE syndromic surveillance system from participating facilities, and which can include discharge diagnoses. Seminole County is unique in that its sentinel providers located in four separate urgent care centers report into both systems, and their discharge diagnoses are recorded in ESSENCE. Data from the two systems were therefore compared both among and between the individual sentinel providers in order to identify differences in reporting influenza in ILINet from actual discharge diagnoses for influenza identified through ESSENCE.