Published on in Vol 7, No 1 (2015):

Real-time Laboratory-Based Influenza Surveillance with Xpert Flu

Real-time Laboratory-Based Influenza Surveillance with Xpert Flu

Real-time Laboratory-Based Influenza Surveillance with Xpert Flu

Authors of this article:

Andrea Dugas1 ;   Howard Burkom ;   Richard Rothman
The full text of this article is available as a PDF download by clicking here.

In order to provide real-time access to influenza test results, we created a laboratory-based surveillance system which automatically uploaded influenza test results from a rapid PCR-based influenza test, Xpert Flu, and the associated testing times and locations. On-site, type-specific results were available to physicians and uploaded for public health awareness within 100 minutes of patient nasopharyngeal swab. Expansion of this real-time capability to sentinel facilities could improve both local and national surveillance and response, reducing the need for syndromic influenza surveillance.