Published on in Vol 6, No 1 (2014):

Redefining Syndromic Surveillance

Redefining Syndromic Surveillance

Redefining Syndromic Surveillance

Authors of this article:

Amy Ising1 ;   Larissa May2 ;   Charlie Ishikawa3
The full text of this article is available as a PDF download by clicking here.

There is no consensus regarding a standard definition encompassing the full scope of the term ''syndromic surveillance'' that accurately describes the various data sources and data elements (both pre-diagnostic and diagnostic) used in this surveillance method. In this roundtable, we will solicit feedback and aim to create a more accurate and comprehensive definition of syndromic surveillance. The facilitators will provide a list of commonly used definitions for syndromic surveillance collated from the literature and websites and ask roundtable participants to categorize the strengths and weaknesses of these definitions. We will then identify key terms and concepts to include in a new definition.