Published on in Vol 6, No 1 (2014):

Application of a Bayesian Spatiotemporal Surveillance Method to NYC Syndromic Data

Application of a Bayesian Spatiotemporal Surveillance Method to NYC Syndromic Data

Application of a Bayesian Spatiotemporal Surveillance Method to NYC Syndromic Data

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Incorporating prior knowledge (e.g., the spatial distribution of zip codes and background population effects) into a model using Bayesian methods could potentially improve outbreak detection. We adapted a previously described Bayesian model-based spatiotemporal surveillance technique to daily respiratory syndrome counts in NYC Emergency Department data in 2009, the year of the H1N1 influenza pandemic. Citywide, 56 alarms were produced across 15 zip codes, all during days of elevated respiratory visits. Future work includes evaluating our choice of baseline length, considering other alarm thresholds, and conducting a formal evaluation of the method across five syndromes in NYC.