Published on in Vol 6, No 1 (2014):

A Conceptual Strategy for Stengthening eSurveillance in the African Region

A Conceptual Strategy for Stengthening eSurveillance in the African Region

A Conceptual Strategy for Stengthening eSurveillance in the African Region

Authors of this article:

Dennis D. Lenaway1 ;   Helen Perry1 ;   Robert Fagan1
The full text of this article is available as a PDF download by clicking here.

Many local and international stakeholders have independently pursued solutions for electronic surveillance and reporting in African countries resulting in multiple systems of varying effectiveness and minimum interoperability. CDC lead a developmental process that engaged various partner organizations, including the WHO Regional Office for Africa, to conceptualize a strategy for providing region-wide governance of eSurveillance and the creation of the African Surveillance Informatics Governing Board to address standards, policy, infrastructure, workforce, and resource needs to strengthening surveillance and reporting capacity.