Published on in Vol 4, No 3 (2012):

A Three-Step Approach for Creating Successful Electronic Immunization Record Exchanges between Clinical Practice and Public Health

A Three-Step Approach for Creating Successful Electronic Immunization Record Exchanges between Clinical Practice and Public Health

A Three-Step Approach for Creating Successful Electronic Immunization Record Exchanges between Clinical Practice and Public Health

Authors of this article:

Janet Louise Balog1
The full text of this article is available as a PDF download by clicking here.

Population health and individual health are strengthened through proactive immunization programs. The clinical community references immunization records at the point of care to make decisions about the immunizations individuals and families need to minimize their risk of contracting (and spreading) vaccine preventable disease (VPD). Understanding the earliest possible intervals that are safe to administer vaccinations provides the youngest children with as much immunity as possible as early as possible. This is especially useful for children at highest risk as their visits to a medical provider may be sporadic. This, coupled with the continuous development of new and combined vaccines and complex vaccine schedules, challenges the provider to easily know the appropriate vaccinations to order for their patients. Under-vaccinating increases patient’s VPD risk; over-vaccinating increases provider and consumer health care costs. Clinicians want to make the best clinical and economically responsible decisions — this is the challenge.

The solution lies in providing to a clinician timely and accurate vaccination data with decision support tools at the point of care. The use of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) alone cannot achieve this goal. It will take an accountable team made up of the clinician organization, their EHR vendor, and a public health agency to effectively manage immunization coverage for a patient population.

This paper provides a three-step approach to establish and maintain EHR data exchanges, demonstrates the value of both clinical and technical testing prior to data exchange implementation, and discusses lessons learned. It illustrates the value of federal Meaningful Use criteria and considers how its objective to advance data exchange with public health systems increases providers’ access to timely, accurate immunization histories and achieves desired mutual health outcomes for providers and public health programs.